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Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Friday, June 11, 2021

Unique Diet Plan

 So as an over the road driver you have a lot of time to think about life in general and as I was contemplating one of those times I remembered a conversation I had with a particular good looking waitress that had what we used to call "SAM" that being sexual attraction and animal magnetism combined in one person, if you know one you understand how erotic this can be.

As I sat there following her around with my eyes and thinking ribald thoughts while trying not to be obvious, She stopped in front of me to refill my coffee and I just had to ask how she kept in such great shape.

She said, "I have a unique diet plan that I use."  and I said, " and what would that be"? to which she replied, " every time I get hungry I have sex instead of eating!" and wondering to myself if she might be hungry at that time, I had to admit it sounded like it would work but I've yet to be in a position that I could use the advice since sexual partners are few and far between in over the road driving but if anyone tries this please let me know how it works.

Just trying to help my fellow man,