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Monday, September 28, 2020


            50+ years of eating out

As a trucker I got a lot of experience with eating in restaurants and I miss the good old days !

It used to be a perk of over the road trucking, to be able to stop at a Mom and Pop T/S somewhere and get a taste of the local cuisine.

 Then came TSA. James Ryder of Ryder Truck lines fame, or little r as we called them, Roadway was Big R, started "Truckstops of America" later to be sold and renamed Travel centers of America or T/A.

They competed with "76" T/S in the east and south and "SKELLY" and the like in the west, but TSA  gave us a really good place to stop and get close to home cooking, until they were sold, at that point they started going down hill, "76" was sold, "Skelly's" were sold and a new franchises came on the scene, "Flying J".  "Petro" and "Pilot" were growing and "Petro offered a good meal where "Pilot" and "Loves" just offered fuel and junk food. "Petro" got sold to the same company that owned T/A and turned it to crap. That was about what we had to deal with as most other places wouldn't allow trucks in their lots for various reasons.

"Pilot" eventually bought "Flying J" and a few Mom and Pop's so that there isn't much difference where you eat, it all tastes about the same, like crap.

My last post I offered an E-book for anyone that was thinking about starting their own restaurant and here would be an excellent place to start. If you could get into a busy T/S and fashion your restaurant after an upbeat hamburger shop with several different menu items, all using hamburger as the main meat [ the new breed of trucker has settled for cheeseburgers and French fries ] you could do well.
 I wish I would have been privy to this information about 40 years ago, I would have retired from trucking and had a quality restaurant now.
Keep on Keepin on,     Dutch

Sunday, September 27, 2020

If you Ever thought about owning a Restaurant

 How to Start a Successful

Restaurant Business!


Do you constantly get rave reviews about your cooking from your friends and family?  Do you have a private arsenal of “secret” recipes that you just won’t share with anyone?  Are you more at home in the kitchen than anywhere else?

Well, if you can relate maybe you are the guy or gal who has always wanted to open your own restaurant! If that’s the case then this guide is just for you!

Wanting to own your own eatery needn’t be just a pipe dream.  How to Start a Successful Restaurant Business will help you achieve that dream.

Learn how to conduct a market analysis, prepare a business plan and determine startup costs all in one neat package.  Discover everything you need to know about starting your own restaurant or your money back.

Here’s a list of just a few of the helpful things you find inside:

• What you need to know BEFORE you begin
   Make sure your dream is a viable plan

• Review the different types of restaurants
   Know which one is right for you

• Overview of startup costs
   Prevent leaving out important costs

• Learn how to write your menu
   Insures that you don't leave out the little stuff

• Discover how to do a proper market analysis
   Make sure you know who your customers will be

• Selecting equipment and furnishings
   Learn how to shop for the right combinations

• Hiring a staff
   How to make sure you ask the right interview questions

• What is the long term future of the restaurant industry
   Understand what your goals should include

• Preparing a business and financial plan
   Make certain you know exactly what you require

• Should you borrow money for startup costs
   Discover how to find investors.

Written in plain English How to Start a Successful Restaurant Business will help answer all the questions you may have in order to make an intelligent decision about whether to pursue that dream or continue with wowing just friends and family!

The purpose of our guide is to give you an over view of the restaurant business as well as provide you with information about the different steps you need to take to get started.

So, why do you need How to Start a Successful Restaurant Business? 

Because it gives you what you need to know!

Thousands of people are good cooks.  However, they may not be good administrators.  Others are good administrators who can’t boil water!  Find out what your goals and strengths are before jumping in with both feet.

If you are a business novice trying to figure out if your idea is viable How to Start a Successful Restaurant Business is just what you need to learn all the ins and outs of beyond creating delicious meals.

Or maybe you are a veteran chef working for someone else and have dream of opening your own place, half the battle is there, but you should know that being a gourmet chef isn’t enough.  You need to understand the business from ALL aspects.

Regardless of your motivation and goals, turning your passion into a business requires commitment, talent and above all else – knowledge!

Before deciding to turn your dream into a business, get the answers you must have before making the leap.  How to Start a Successful Restaurant Business has those answers.  Grab your copy today and see if you can make your passion your business!  Happy cooking!

If you think your serious about owning your own restaurant, we have an E-book bundle that will almost guarantee your success. and 2021 will be a great year to start one !

You get 3 E-books with literally, hundreds of proven recipes and 3 business profiles that 2 are rare and the 3rd has never been seen, to give you the best chance to succeed.

Plus a plan to acquire an already successful restaurant with no up front money of your own, and if that fails, a contact to get your plan funded. Plus, paired with our marketing program you can be assured of success.

You can get the “How to Start a Successful Restaurant Business for just $39.95 or the whole package “Restaurant Entrepreneur” for $89.95.

After payment you will be sent to a capture box to leave your E-mail, when we get that we will send out your purchase quickly.  Thank You, Darrell

Restaurant Entrepreneur

Monday, September 21, 2020

Hauling Swinging Meat !


As I stated in an earlier post, my experience with bulk liquid tankers proved beneficial shortly there after as I got a job with Clay Hyder truck lines from Auburndale, Fla. and started a long stint hauling OJ from Fla. west and Meat back to Fla. While doing that I had a couple of good scares learning how the meat reacted differently than the liquid.

With a tanker, the weight stays low in the trailer but with swinging meat the weight is hanging from the roof so the shifting of the meat causes the trailer to want to fall over !  Making it very unstable in curves, and just uneven roadways or driveway transitions could keep you busy holding it straight.

My first scare was with Hyder as they were a test facility for Goodyear truck tires and at that time Goodyear was just starting to offer radial tires for trucks, so I found I had a new set of steer tires on my truck when I started out for Texas with my OJ. I didn't notice much difference until I loaded my load of swinging for Fla. out of Guymon, OK.

Usually we would cut over to 287 and run south to Dallas, then I-20 To Jackson, Ms., 98 down to Mobile, I-10 to I-75 and south to our delivery, but a few of us cut a lot of miles off by running the 2 lanes southeast across Ok. to I-40 and cut down through the woods to get to I-10 in Fla. I was one of those and found out real fast about the new tires and how they reacted to curves.

See, when you go into a curve with swinging, the first thing that shifts is your suspension, then the load, and you manage the curve but with radial tires you have a third shift, the tires rolling over the sidewalls. when your not ready for another shift, that tire roll, Your ass sucks seat springs big time !  But after time you learn how to compensate and all is well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Enterprise and Hidden Cameras !

Do you know why the Enterprise is like toilet paper ?

Because they both circle Uranus looking for Klingons !

                                                            smiley face hidden camera

 If you've ever been in a situation that you wished you had a hidden camera to record something, now you can. I now have 2 really nice units that you will cherish when you need them.

Go over to my other blog and learn all about them now. or click on the link in the right column marked Good cop, Bad cop !


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Over 100 "FREE" games

 I just put a game link on this sight just for you. Look for it on the right. Have fun, Dutch



videos anyone ?

 If you would like a video to promote most anything, contact me and I will make one for you to post anywhere that excepts MP4 videos.    Here are some samples